Sains Malaysiana 53(12)(2024): 3883-3894


The Characterization and Maternal Phylogenetic Analysis of Complete Mitochondrial Genome of the Native Bian Chicken

(Pencirian dan Analisis Filogenetik Ibu Genom Mitokondria Lengkap Ayam Bian Asli)




1Institute of Applied Biotechnology, College of Agronomy and Life Science, Shanxi Datong University, Datong, China
 2Liangcheng County Huinong Bian Chicken Breeding Co., Ltd, Ulanqab, China
3Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Animal Molecular Design and Precise Breeding, School of Animal Science and Technology, Foshan University, Foshan, China


Received: 5 February 2024/Accepted: 22 October 2024



The Bian chicken (Gallus gallus, Linaeus, 1758) is an indigenous breed known for its unique traits that make it well-suited for rearing in the cold regions and highland hills of northern China. To better understand the genetic characteristics of this breed, we conducted high throughput sequencing to determine the complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of the Bian chicken. The mitogenome of the Bian chicken was found to be 16,787 bp in size and consisted of 22 transfer RNA genes, 2 ribosomal RNA genes, 13 protein-coding genes, and 1 non-coding control region known as the D-loop. The overall nucleotide composition was found to be 32.45% C, 30.25% A, 23.8% T, and 13.5% G. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the Bian chicken is distantly related to the Zhuanghe big-boned chicken, but closely related to the Xiaoxiang chicken and Taoyuan chicken. This study not only provides valuable genetic data for the diversity and preservation of the Bian chicken breed, but also contributes additional evidence supporting the significantly different genetic relationship between the Bian chicken and the Zhuanghe big-boned chicken.


Keywords: Bian chicken; mitochondrial genome; phylogenetic analysis



Ayam Bian (Gallus gallus, Linaeus, 1758) ialah baka asli yang terkenal dengan ciri uniknya yang menjadikannya sangat sesuai untuk diternak di kawasan sejuk dan bukit tanah tinggi di Utara China. Untuk lebih memahami ciri genetik baka ini, kami menjalankan penjujukan hasil tinggi untuk menentukan genom mitokondria lengkap (mitogenome) ayam Bian. Mitogenome ayam Bian didapati bersaiz 16,787 bp dan terdiri daripada 22 pemindahan gen RNA, 2 gen RNA ribosom, 13 gen pengekodan protein dan 1 kawasan kawalan bukan pengekodan yang dikenali sebagai gelung D. Komposisi nukleotida keseluruhan ialah 32.45% C, 30.25% A, 23.8% T dan 13.5% G. Analisis filogenetik menunjukkan bahawa ayam Bian mempunyai hubungan jauh dengan ayam tulang besar Zhuanghe, tetapi berkait rapat dengan ayam Xiaoxiang dan ayam Taoyuan. Kajian ini bukan sahaja menyediakan data genetik penting untuk kepelbagaian dan pemeliharaan baka ayam Bian, tetapi juga menyumbang bukti tambahan yang menyokong hubungan genetik yang jauh berbeza antara ayam Bian dan ayam tulang besar Zhuanghe.


Kata kunci: Analisis filogenetik; ayam Bian; genom mitokondria



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